So much for my self-imposed deadline
Progress has been slow lately, but doing anything counts as progress, right? Between the cold weather and rain (that only seems to occur on my days off), I had to double my efforts to feel a sense of satisfaction. I've been to both Home Depot and Lowes and just can't seem to find 3/16" carriage bolts to mount the joystick and scoreboard plexi for the Dragon's Lair cabinet. Seems I'll have to order them online and wait days for them to arrive. Good thing I have plenty to keep me occupied.
I started my day (extremely late) by spraypainting the marquee brackets. Oh yeah, I also haven't had any luck finding 1/2" black screws to mount the brackets. You'd think I live in the middle of nowhere with my luck finding supplies! I filled the screw holes in the cabinet and sanded 'em down smooth. With the cosmetics out of the way, it was time to paint.
Click image thumbnails for bigger pics.

I rolled on two coats of primer and used a foam brush to get into the nooks and crannies.

The primer went on kind of thick (which is a good thing), but I really should have sanded between coats. Its too late now because I actually gave it a coat of black paint. It needs a second coat, so that's tops on my agenda for tomorrow.

I haven't neglected my original project. I applied the Capcom side decal to the Marvel Superheroes cabinet. The art aspect is nearly complete, but I still need to mount the new monitor and reconditioned PC. Perhaps I'll tend to that while I await the items needed for the Dragon's Lair cabinet.