Back in black ... well, kinda
I suppose it can't be back in black if it wasn't black to begin with. I unintentionally decided to catch up on my sleep this weekend, so progress was again minimal. After giving the cabinet a coat of black paint, I retired to my bed for some much needed sleep. During my slumber, Becca gave the cabinet a second coat of paint. I awoke to a nicely painted arcade cab, but gave it another coat for good luck.
Once the paint was (relatively) dry, I installed the marquee brackets and mounted the marquee plexi. I'm temporarily using silver screws while I await the arrival of some black screws I ordered from QuarterArcade. I bought an 18" florescent marquee light last week, but haven't got around to mounting it just yet. Speaking of things I haven't done yet, I still need to install the speakers and scoreboard. The rain should be gone by Tuesday, so it should be a relatively quick and simple process to cut the back board and screw it all together.
Things are certainly coming along, regardless of my never-ending impatience. At this stage of the game (pun intended), I'm able to visualize the final product.
Click image thumbnails for bigger pics.

I'm relatively happy with the look of the black finish. If I had the cash on hand, I would have opted for the black leather-textured vinyl. In the end, paint was a much cheaper alternative. I can't apply the side art until I drill the holes for the monitor mounting brackets.

I also had to order some 3/16" carriage bolts from QuarterArcade to finish mounting the joystick and scoreboard plexi. Without them, there's no joy in my joystick.

Mounting the marquee made me marvel at its magnificence. I must admit that I'm a little disappointed with the overpriced marquee brackets. While the bottom bracket is ok, the top bracket was assembled half-assed. Maybe I'll make my own replacement brackets at some point.

Profile shots of the lighted marquee. Pretty, isn't it?

It's almost time to mount this sucker! This is that the inside of a computer monitor looks like. Becca and I held it in place to ensure it will fit. It looks like it will, but just barely. I plan on making my own custom mounting brackets for it some time this week. That should be fun ...