Monitoring my progress
I've been trying to keep afloat amidst multiple simultaneous projects with minimal progress on each front. Between bitter cold and a desire to catch up on some much needed sleep, I still haven't been outside to make the couple (minor) remaining cuts. Perhaps this Tuesday I'll find the motivation to bang it out.
The one thing I really enjoy about making my own arcade cabinets is the fact that as long as the outside looks okay, the inside can be ugly as sin. Having said that, I got around to mounting the monitor in the Dragon's Lair cabinet using makeshift brackets. It feels like the end is finally in sight. I'm just a few pieces of interior support and a piece of bezel plexi away from completion. Oh yeah, I also need to wore up the controls to the PC. Here' hoping that's stress-free.
Click image thumbnails for bigger pics.

Prior to making the final monitor installation, I needed to apply the cabinet's side art. The mounting bracket bolt heads are visible through the art (as the original cabs), so this step was a necessary evil.

I used angle iron as mounting brackets and it worked out relatively well. It's strong enough to easily support the weight of the monitor and allows for some front/back adjustment.

I had some concerns that I may have damaged the monitor from neglectful handling and ungodly cold conditions. The good news is that once I connected it to my pc for a test, it fired right up. The bad news is that the colors are way off. I can't get it to adjust properly with the monitor controls, so here's hoping I can correct it with the PC settings.

Once the monitor was mounted, it was safe enough to remove the side art protective covering. It doesn't look too shabby and well worth the cost of a quality product.