It stands, but can it run?
Wow, I've done a LOT since my last update! I received the Dragon's Lair repro marquee brackets a couple days ago, so I was finally able to make some (relatively) accurate cuts for the marquee housing. With that piece of the puzzle in hand, things came together quickly. I mapped out the rest of the layout on the interior side panels and cut the blocking for the additional panels. Learning from my mistakes with the first cabinet, I pre-drilled holes through the blocking to ensure the wood wouldn't split during assembly. With all the pieces cut, it went together like something from Ikea. I was somewhat surprised to notice that everything lined up relatively well. I still have a ways to go before I'm playing Dragon's Lair in the comfort of my own home, but I'm more than happy to see the cabinet standing on its own.
I also finally received my digital camera in the mail. That being said, here's some pictures of the assembly process. Click image thumbnails for bigger pics. [Eternal love and thanks to Becca for snapping these pics and taking time away from Twilight Princess to assist with cutting and assembly.]

I totally screwed up my first attempt at the cabinet top, so I decided to make use of my error and make some support blocking from the 3/4" plywood cut 1" wide.

After tons of trial and error, I finally got all my measurements to make sense. I had to keep in mind the thickness of the panels being attached and accomodate when screwing in the supports. They're snugly secured, but I wonder if I should have taken the overkill approach and used liquid nails as well.

The bottom marquee panel cut way too short. I measured the length from top to bottom instead of from the first angle point. Oops!

It lives! Well, kind of ... At least its standing without leaning. The control panel is just temporarily screwed in place to get an idea of the final look.

A shot of the back where the speakers and scoreboard go. I need to cut holes for those things eventually.

I couldn't help but place the control panel overlay over the control panel to again get a look at how things will ultimately come together. I didn't want to ding up the pristine art, so I didn't risk bending the art into place.

Another shot of the cabinet rear. I sure hope the marquee plexi lines up with my measurements. Yes, it was a risk to make these cuts without it.

I placed the cabinet back on temporarily to ensure it would fit. Yes it fit, but the wood is badly bowed. I currently have it lying flat on the floor with the cabinet on top of it. Hopefully the weight of the cabinet will flatten it out somewhat.
And finally, here's a shot of the revamped Marvel Superheroes control panel.

I like how it came out. I still need to touch up some paint where I scuffed and scratched up the cabinet from being way too rough with the control panel.
This week I'll finish up filling the unnecessary holes in the control panel and apply the overlay. I'm still debating if I should disassemble the entire cabinet to paint and then reassemble. My patience (or lack thereof) will be the deciding factor. I'll visit Lowes on Tuesday to pick up a few little things I need, like castors and a marquee light. Barring any major unforseen issue, I'd like to think the cabinet will be fully assembled by next weekend.
More pictures coming soon as I progress!